Friday, November 18, 2016

Easy Simple Way to understand and capture the shape of a head for a doll in clay

Oh, it's been to long not blogging but I have been very active and can only do so much LOL.  I found some time and everything went so smooth with recording a new video.  This one here I know will help many since this is a method I use when giving class's.  I have to say this method has given people a different and very easy way to understand and quickly capture the shape of a head for there doll. I'm now showing it to everyone out there and hope this method will help many.  Please share with your friends and as always have fun and be happy.  See everyone again.  hugs

Sunday, October 9, 2016

One test completed next to be started

So far after 24hrs of drying the water lily is doing well.  Here in these pictures I'm showing the steps and going to give the back side the same coating as the first.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

It's been awhile and thought

I would post something here in my blog.  As we all know life changes all the time.  Instead of resisting by staying with the change with feelings of dis pare. It's so much easier just going with the flow but always remember you and everyone will get through it.  Just make it easier by not fighting it with negative thoughts.  My moms care has increased and I have just enough time to keep class's going that have been scheduled.  By the end of my day I'm pretty well finished and I'm taking the time to just be with me. Not feeling to stay up and create like I had been.
This morning as I took my walk I noticed I had my first white water lily.  Been waiting for it to bloom so I could try some experiments.  Here below in the pictures is what I tried and at this point I don't know when the flower dries what it will do.  I take many flowers or leaves and I will use many different mediums to capture different texture. I strive for lots of different textures for my polymer clay dolls.  I think it tones the bulky look clay can have.  Creating clothing, shoes, hats and I have even made stockings for my dolls at one time. Creating is unlimited and never should anyone stop.  Keep going it will lead you into another idea.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Check this video out on making eyes

I wanted to share this video with many of you.  Chelsea from Crafty Craftin made this tutorial.  This is a must to watch.  What another great idea.  If you  haven't subscribe to her youtube channel you might consider doing so. It's free!!! and shows you step by step.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Have taken two months off but still here

Hi everyone, haven't been here very much. Just felt to stop in and say hello and unfortunately my mom has been in and out of the hospital. At the moment she is now home with us and just making her as comfortable as we can. My mom has had Afib and the reasons she has been in and out of the hospital they can't seem to regulate her blood pressure. Either to high or way to low. We all take each day as it comes. Im still active with giving class's but I am taking two months off. Im thankful when I booked them that I planned my two months off at the right time. Been spending all my time here with her. Can't really take her out wish I could but she gets so tired. I did get some coloring books and we color together that seems to help switch her thoughts onto something else. I cant get her to sculpt never could LOL. Been cooking things we haven't had in a long time and she has really enjoyed that. We also just watch Grumpy Old Men and 2 and a lot of I love Lucy LOL. Well I need to go make breakfast. I hope everyone of you are well and enjoying life like there is no tomorrow everyday. I also pulled out my bjd and been looking for her torso LOL. I some how have misplaced it or my cat thought it was a toy. Yes she is my pest and love her even though she thinks my art are toys. I might have to make another torso but I will look around some more before I do so. Have a wonderful weekend and always create something... hugs

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Yes, Yes I love making wings

Oh its good to be here and I have another fun tutorial for all of you to try out or share with friends.  I do have a confession and that is for a very long time I never enjoyed making wings for my polymer clay dolls.  I was never happy but I made them until I kept trying out just about everything I had in my kitchen to everything I might find outside.  I have never stopped exploring and till this day my thoughts are always opened for something a little different.  I hope all of you will enjoy this one and even explore more with it and come up with more ideas.  One idea only branches to another and another and another.  Sharing is expansion to thought.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Play Play Play, Expand Expand Expand, you will never feel stuck

Hi everyone!  Im sharing with all of you just something I played around with yesterday after class.  In this experiment I'm still using real cleaned leaves.  But my mediums are different.  I'm not only one who loves to sculpt but I love to experiment.  I love creating and making things different.  I get way to bored if I just keep using the same methods and the same style with certain mediums. When I sculpt I have many methods not just one.  I found this to be very helpful for me that is because doing one method all the time I kept making the same things over and not changing.  I know it may sound weird to some but it works for me and not only me I found it to be very open when having a class.  I could have a class of eight lets say and out of the eight I found in each one they were all different.  One understood it one way and another something else.  So, all my crazy methods of sculpting has truly come in handy to share and to expand in this creative world we live in.  If any of you would like to discuss anything I may post please feel free to do so.  Remember we are all co- creators when we share.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Love using these real leaves and this one is the Pebeo Prisme Fantasy Paints

Hi everyone yes popping in for a bit. Been real busy as usual. Some of you wanted to see the wings with the Pebeo Prisme Fantasy paints. So, I put one together for you to see and then you can see if its something you would like to try yourself. I just did a commission piece using these paints for wings and I have to say they are the most gorgeous paints. Its a real short video and its pictures but you will see what they can look like. Thank you everyone and hope all are creating.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's almost a butterfly wing with feel, texture,looks has been my goal

What a beautiful day and it keeps getting better and better.  I hope everyone is feeling the fullness of life.  I didn't get a chance to post a picture of another wing I had been testing out.  If you have joined my Facebook fan page I did post it there.  I try to keep this blog full of information too but sometimes I just have to much to do.  The reason we are starting to see different ways of making wings is because I have a commission piece to do and my client wants me to come up with wings that really look and feel like butterfly wings.  Yep, back to the same drawing board of mine for some years LOL.  But I truly am happy with what Im sharing with all of you here.  I have a few stumbling blocks with it but I think I can figure it out.  By using real and dry flowers as you can see in this picture you have such wonderful veining and if you could just feel it.  It totally feels just like a butterfly wing.  Im just having a little trouble finding a sealer that just wont leave any gloss and no plastic texture.  If any of you use a sealer and it would be a matt could you share what it is.  Im always use Liquitex Matte but its giving me a little shine.  Anyone with something that you might think will work?  I would love to hear.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another method boiled, liquid bleach, real leaves makes fairy wings

Hi everyone hope your creating and having loads of fun. I have put together a quick tutorial another little different method using real cleaned and clorox bleach to make beautiful wings. Take a look and hope to see all of you real soon.
Please don't forget to support my art channel by liking or leaving a comment. Remember these tutorials do take time and are totally free for each and everyone of you. Please share and enjoy.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Class is about to begin lady friends are gathering for a fun day!

Hello  everyone and its going to be another beautiful and fun day.  Beautiful people are gathering for class and we are going to be playing with wings again.  Now if some of you aren't following me on my Facebook fan page you might click over there here's the link I don't always post everything in my blog.  I really try to but I'm very busy with class's and commissions as well.  Many wonderful things going on in my life, extremely fun. I posted some experiments we were playing with for wings.  Here's a picture of one.  It was so much fun yesterday and all the brainstorming we all were doing was far more exciting then anything.  I do love this sharing and I have such a wonderful group of people like me.  Love you all and have the most wonderful day because tomorrow will even be better.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Oh, boy found time and yes here is part one prepping and cleaning real leaves

Oh, boy I got to take pictures while giving a class so I was able to share with all of you here how I prep and clean real leaves. Stay tuned for Part two and I'm going to show how I make the pretty.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Showing color of Femo Flesh Air dry Clay when dried

I thought I would post this picture of the Femo Flesh air dry Clay after it cured.  Its not quite what I want but I think you could adjust the color with adding some white air dry clay.  I did try but added way to much looks like a little goes a long way with color LOL.

Friday, June 10, 2016

First time for me Femo air dry clay what I think so far

Good morning everyone!  I have been wanting to post about some air dry clay that I have had and wanted to review it for myself.  I finally had some time and I pulled out its femo air dry clay in flesh and white.  I always use La Doll Premier air dry clay and love it.  So, here are my thoughts with femo,  don't get fooled when it says flesh color its more of an orange.  The color was way off in my opinion. It was dryer then my La Doll Premier but after I kneaded I started to like it.  I did add a little water to it for my own comfort of use.  It dried in two days and it was as strong as the La Doll Premier.  Sanded very nice and became smooth. So, I have decided to dig more into this kind of air dry clay and will see how it all goes.  It cost me $7.99 at Michaels.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

So So excited over these wings with pebeo paints

Did this short video of the wings I experimented with. Remember I was testing the pebeo paints and the leaves were torn. The paint did not have anything to do with the tearing. Wanted to share the flexibility you have but the paint gives them support.

The completed test of pebeo paints on skeleton leaves

Im just always amazed with these pebeo paints.  I checked the leaves and they are completely dried.  Its not sticky and it gave some strength but It also gave  it some flexibility. I will still handle them and see how much they can take.  But for right now its a sure go.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Skeleton leaf and pebeo paints doing well

So far the pebeo paint is drying nicely on the skeleton leaf. Its also appears to be creating even a stronger skeleton which that is what I was wanting. Will see how they look tomorrow. If you haven't tried the pebeo prisme fantasy they are so awesome and so much fun. I find its a medium that gives off less screw ups and amazing results.

Wings wings wings oh my!

I thought since I'm giving a class on different ways to make wings I would share the skeleton leaf wing...  This is one of my favorites and I have used this method for clothing, head pieces.  Now some of you might prefer buying the skeleton leaves but I like to find the leaves and then pep them.  I think there is a difference when using them from my yard.  No my way won't be quick so this may not be for you and thats ok.  I will have a tutorial showing you how I pep them and decorate the skeleton.  So, my leaves are soaking and when ready I will make the video.  They are truly a lot of fun.  The pictures Im sharing are from two leaves I had that were some what ready.  So, I wanted to share a little with you of whats coming up.  But as I was playing around I thought to try the pebeo paints which I haven't tried them on these kind of leaves.  I love the colors I love how they went on and now I will wait and see how they set up.  If everything goes good they will for sure become wings for a fairy doll.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chelsea Mastin has a great tutorial for wings for the ones that don't know this method

Oh wow it feels like forever not being here.  As many of you know my moms health has been going down hill and I have been very busy with her needs. But anyways life is always good and changes are always going on in each and ever ones life's . I have something I would love to share with many of you.  There is a wonderful person I have come to know and her name is Chelsea Mastin a youtube creator.  She has made a video How to Make Transparent Wings.  If your new to this method your going to just love it.  If you haven't ever made wings this method will also move you into so many ideas and so much fun.  I hope you enjoy it and subscribe to her channel.  Remember subscribing doesn't mean its going to cost you.  Its free to subscribe.  All of it is free.  When you subscribe or give the person a like or comment your giving back motivation and encouragement to make more videos.  I don't know about all of you but I love watching what people think to create and when they share that means I now have an idea and move on to even expanding from there idea.  Art is all about show and tell.  Sharing is so rewarding.  So next time your watching a tutorial of someone share your gratitude by giving them a comment, subscribe, or like.  Lets keep these free tutorials going.  hugs


Thursday, March 31, 2016

An easy way to make beautiful wings for fairies or just one of your dolls

In this video Im showing you a very easy way to make some beautiful wings for your dolls.  There are many ways to make wings and this tutorial is given to all of you to even expand with some of your own ideas.  Please feel free to share with friends and always spread art around the world.  Hope you enjoy and don't forget there is another video up answering your question how to make movable wings for your dolls.  And I do use the same wings I made here.  Please subscribe if you haven't it is always free to do so.  If there is a question or even something you would like for me to show you how please leave it in the comments on my youtube channel.  hugs

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Answering your question how to make wings removable for polymer clay dolls

Good morning everyone!  I have made two videos  showing a method I use to making fairy wings.  The second video I answer your question and show how I make my wings removable for my dolls.  Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

When life situations unfold take the experience and see the leading edge of something so brilliant

Good morning everyone. I quick note here I would like for all of you to know that I haven't been here much due to my mom's health. There will be no Tuesday video this week and I hope I will be back with them again next tuesday.
Thank you everyone I do love all of you. hugs

Friday, March 18, 2016

A box of Chocolates or the open sea and waves

Good morning everyone and yes everyday should be as though it were are last. Never take things for granted just enjoy what you have or even given in the day or night. I always like that saying life is like a box of chocolates. It's just so simple and that is how life should feel even though we all go through things in life. Somethings in life we can't just turn our backs and say Im not suppose to feel this so Im just going to ignore it. What ever the experience is we just need to embrace it. Hmmmm embrace. Know life always works out no matter what. So next don't focus on the pain of the experience. Easier said then done LOL well it takes practice and it's like the sea as the waves come to shore. When you feel your out in the open sea and the pain of it, ride the wave because you will make it to shore. We will stay out in the sea if we stay with the thoughts of what were going through. As the wave has a hold it wants to go in the direction of the shore but sometimes we allow the wave to take us and then we go so deep into the open sea of dis pare and pain and the wave still holds to us but we just don't go with it. The wave never leaves us there is always another wave. A box of chocolates are like the sea and waves. As Im going through something and a box of chocolates are handed to me. I can feel a little excitement and maybe a little smile will appear on my face. I take the box and hold it with love. As I open it my thoughts change and I wonder which choc to take. And then another thought comes and says but you might pick the one you will not like. If I choose that thought I would put the cover back on and say to myself I don't feel I want any because I just feel awful. Now I have missed and opportunity of just going through the experience with different thoughts to take away from the main thought that is painful. Even if I took a candy and I wanted to spit it out or do I take it and experience the whole rotten taste. No its easier for me to spit it out and then go for another one hoping that one will get rid of this rotten taste in my mouth LOL. Well back with just choice and what will that be I ask myself. Which one would feel better as life needs to unfold for me so I may get on with something wonderful.
I give each one of you that reads what I write a box of choc. And if you don't like choc I then give you whatever it is that you like. Now its your choice of whatever you may go through in a day or night. But no matter what just remember its all about embracing with change of thoughts.
I love you all and yesterday and today I have my box of chocolates and I will be practicing a lot of candies. My mom is now 92 and my husband and I have been with her for almost 15years. She has gone in the hospital and we are just seeing what life needs to do. Love yourself no matter what because really life is so precious. hugs

Thursday, March 10, 2016

A busy week but still time for my bjd

Worked on her last night and thought I would take pictures.  Today the apoxie is all dried and I will check the neck out and sand the apoxie.  Then once its fit I will dip the neck in melted wax.  Once cooled I will add some polymer clay over the wax.  Cook it once again and move on to the next.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Therapy doesn't mean there is something wrong with us.

Good morning to all of you so very precious people. Yes we are precious when you just take a deep breath and feel the life flowing through are bodies. If we didn't have that air we just wouldn't be in these bodies we hold. Im just so grateful another day and what a day it will be. First of all today is my once a month volunteering my art to Art Therapy for Children. Awhile ago when that came to my path I have observed the class's and I really got to experience that we as artist are always in therapy. Therapy doesn't mean theres something wrong with us it is a way to help guide a person to finding there selves and feeling love for who we are and where we are. Yep thats what we do also and its loving our selves. We have all been hurt in life and for me it was growing up and being in school. But now if I look back all that I thought I went through made me the person I am today. Growing up I went through I was afraid of doing something wrong and then you got booted out. I was very quite and afraid I would say the wrong thing and then not liked. I escaped to my own world of art and pretty much stayed there. It truly was the best thing I did because I no longer allowed myself to feel hurt. I hear these kids talk about what there going through and I know what they mean. But I now see it that no one does anything to us its just who we are at the time of growing up. I went through a lot of insecurities because I was taken from what I felt a secure place and it was where I was born and just started school. I remember my teacher and the kids, I loved going. I was pulled out and my parents decided to move and I left what felt so good. When we got to Florida it felt different. I didn't feel what I had that felt secure. So just from that I walked a life that said on my forehead Im scared, I don't like myself because I can't feel what I had once before. I don't regret any of it I truly now embrace it and I know that it was only me but it just all led me to who I am today. I see these kids are doing the same thing but because we are more open today these kids are finding there way quick. And I just feel so honored to be among them and to hug them and just say I love you. Im not only saying it to them but Im saying it to me and in that moment Im loving that little child that use to be me. I love all of you even though I never have met you. Who ever said we have to meet the person to love. Not in my book of life I write for me. I want to love everyone and I always will because if I stop I wont even love myself. Hugs

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Baking Soda and Freezer I feel has been misused. Watch and see what I found

I really wanted to make this one as my next video because I feel this information is very important.  When using baking soda to cook your polymer clay in has always worked for me and everyone of my students as well.  What I found is that it got misused by leaving the raw clay on top of the baking soda and not cooking it till later. Polymer clay has oil and we don't want to loose all the oils if so you will have major problems.  Cornstarch can do the same anything that absorbs.  When I cook it I only use the soda to absorb moisture thats it.  Polymer clay doesn't like moisture and I feel some brands have more moisture then others.  If you should sculpt on a day that is humid or damp  I found you sculpt it into the clay. Now about the taking clay out of hot oven and putting in cold.  I have found by having a controlled temperature you have a much better chance of it not cracking.  I explain that in the video. I do not believe the cold makes the clay stronger.  Hope you enjoy!   

Friday, February 26, 2016

It's important to feel good

 is when I start cleaning I only find myself experimenting on an idea I had LOL and then it becomes a bigger mess. Creating is just so much fun I can truly find a very peaceful and fun time and of course with music too.
People ask me how do I keep the inspiration and motivation going? I remember so clearly when I use to think that with everyone too. It seemed to me everyone was creating but me and I kinda felt even more down with myself. Until a friend of mine said to me. Why was I so focused on everyone creating? I said because thats where I want to be and don't know how to get myself there. She said stop seeing everyone is creating and I wasn't because there's a hidden thought in that perception I was holding with myself. I was doing something wrong! Wow did someone turn the light on..LOL Thats why I kinda felt down with myself. It didn't have anything to do with others creating. Thats a good thing. It was the other because I wasn't doing it and I felt something was so wrong with myself for not feeling I could. We came here to live life, explore all, learn, know what we want and don't through experiences of choices. When we are disconnected with a thought of who we are not. and anyone can figure that out. Its anything that doesn't feel good. Then we live in lack of not being or doing what does feel good. I no longer experience it like that anymore. Oh, Im like everyone else I have my days too but I no longer stay there for long because I have learned how to practice on just feeling good even when I don't.
So if any of you fall in this little story of my life LOL see where you may hold a thought of yourself to why your not sculpting. No one is stopping you we only stop our self and we put excuses that everything and everyone keeps us from not being able to. Well that all falls into just lack of feeling good.
I love you all and I think I will start my day. Its going to be gorgeous. And how can I say that and feel it? Because I love myself as Im writing this to all of you here.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

On with my Ball Jointed Doll

Hello beautiful world. Wanted to share a little bit of bjd. Sorry I can't stay long today have a class. Will see all soon and have a beautiful day. Sculpt something!!!! hugs

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Back to my Ball jointed doll (bjd)

Good morning to all and your letting the light project out into the world and your love ones. Oh what a great start. Its going to be a great Weds for me and for all of you too. Class is right around the corner so Im working on my bjd before everyone arrives. In this picture Im showing how important it is for me to drill out all of the cooked polymer clay. Yes even in the breast as much as I can. I would like to explain why this is so important for me and I do understand many may not want to go through the extent I do to make them my bjd.
Its like fine china compared to ceramic. They are two different kinds of look. Fine china has a light look and feel and gives off a transparent look.. Ceramic has a heavy clay look. Like a solid rock. If anyone here is familiar with porcelain it is a finer clay as where ceramic is more coarse. The difference between in price are even different too because of the refining. When you pour porcelain you don't want it to thick because if you do it becomes to have a whole different look. My goal for so many years now has been tweaking all the corners to polymer clay and change them to give a much finer appearance. Now does this mean anyones choices are wrong if they don't see mine?, No lets not even consider that. I have seen beautiful art in all mediums and from artist that have expanded into there chosen mediums. So now lets move on. It also has taken me years to learn the clays I use and work with them so I know how strong they are to be able to produce the thinness of polymer clay. Im always learning and I find myself so many times I will do one thing and find I can do something else. But isn't that all about expansion?
Life its self is expansion and if we don't allow to flow with it then life becomes a struggle.
I love you all and hope many of you are creating. Life is about creating and what more fun is that. Yes I will say it again I love all of you here and more loving people like me are coming forth everyday. Why can I say that? Well when you love yourself you only get more back. hugs 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's Tuesday here is my journey that I do not experience Moonies or Cracks in polymer clay

Good morning beautiful people. It's Tuesday and Im answering a very asked question. Here in this video Im sharing with all of you my journey to what has prevented me in having moonies or cracks in my polymer clay. Please feel free to share with friends or someone that maybe starting out. Lets get art out there and share. What is so rewarding for me is by sharing it brings a person to the flow of creation. Creation is healing and pure love. Lets spread love through are art. So here is my love to all of you. Hugs Everyone have a beautiful day.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tuesday video will be my journey to figure out not to have moonies

Goooooooooooooood Morning beautiful people. Are you feeling all the love that is around you? Yeah did you just really stop and think that every second if we would tune in LOL we could see there is love constantly around us and its always there saying just receive. Boy was it a gorgeous weekend and its now leading us into a gorgeous week. Bring it on no matter what I will still hold the love and project it out to all that cross my path or I will think of.
I wanted to spread love here and all of you are the rays of light glowing here to help me with a dream and desire I have so deep inside. And that is nothing but love. Thank you all and I do feel love.
Tomorrows video will be my journey finding a way to stop moonies. If you are like what I use to be with having extreme moonies then you might want to watch what I had to discover with myself to stop those crazy moonies. Moonies need to stay in the sky not our clay LOL.
I love you all so much today because Im loving myself as I write this all to you. Spread love because you will only get more back. Who wouldn't want love. Hug Create everyone your all beautiful artist let it shine through.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's going to be a wonderful weekend

Good morning all of you beams of sunshine. Woke up to birds singing and the sun coming up. Going to be a beautiful day, like spring. Now I know the sun isn't the same everywhere but what really counts is that the sunshine is felt within and our eye's will see the beauty in no matter what it is where your at.
Im sitting here contemplating what I would like to start off with today. My day I can feel so many wonderful things to play with and excited about each thing LOL. How about all of you?
Remember when I shared how I had to place some orders and was told things were on back order and wouldn't be here until March. Never stress out because it all works out. I received my email this morning and everything has been shipped and its on a journey here to me. So, excited but never had any thoughts or feelings of panic.
I hope many of you are going to be playing with your clay. I do know some of you are because your writing to me and I love to hear what your doing and how its become so much fun. Remember its never about the perfection its always about the fun and it only gets better. You just have to start. Many times even till this day and I have been sculpting over 30 years I can sit down and start a head for a doll. Will end up starting it over 10 times or by the end of my sculpting day I just didn't get what I wanted. And I move on to the next day and just let things happen until it comes. The more you do that the quicker you will see it coming faster. Some of us will have thoughts like who am I kidding me sculpt LOL. How many of you have that one sometimes LOL. Or how about this one I think in order to sculpt I should of gone to school LOL. Oh I think you have to be born with a talent LOL.. That one use to be my belief many many many years ago LOL.
Well I learned something really big in my life. Just thoughts like this comes with feelings. Stop and feel what one of yours are bringing. Whats the feeling? Does it feel like all the joy had been sucked right out of you? If so heres what I would say. We are here to feel good in life. When we feel good we are being who we came to be. If we don't feel good then we are not who we really are. So, who would you like to be? I already made my choice and it has changed my whole way of life. I have so many wonderful things every single day.
I love you all so much because I so love me... Hugs

Friday, February 19, 2016

Rampage to just living and loving life

Hello all of you rays of sunshine. Wow all of you are so bright you woke me up. lol What a joy that is indeed! Well everyone it's Friday for me and as I laid in bed I thought about my whole week and I just got so excited and a burst of energy started to run through me like a river I just couldn't lay there any more and had to get up. As I was walking to the kitchen I thought to myself wow you know when you feel so happy with life and you don't focus on all the things that don't make us feel good. My body doesn't have any stiffness or I don't feel one ounce of discomfort. My momentum of happy thoughts has such movement to all good things. Just one good thought and then another and another. Can you tell Im so happy living everyday no matter what.
Yesterday I had one of the most exhilarating moments or I should say it was 2hours but it felt like 5min LOL. I was going over my supplies and seeing everything I needed to order so that I didn't run out for class's and maybe have to postpone because of back order . Did that one to many times Im more of a professional and organized with the paper work LOL... Lets see if I can tell this story and not drag it out for all of you LOL.
It goes like this.
I make a phone call and placed a big order of polymer clay and air dry clay. As the lady is taking my order Im just on the other end of the phone and Im feeling so dang happy and words are coming out of me and she joins in with me. Were now taking this so called work thing and we have now made it into a play adventure.LOL Well it turned into where we started to brainstorm with polymer clay. And it was so cool because what she said to me tied into what Im going to be sharing with all of you here about moonies LOL. 
This women was so right for me and understood right where Im heading in life with polymer clay. Heres what she said. Polymer clay has been out for a very long time and she has been selling it and using it for as long as its been out LOL. She went on to say the information that all people have shared when learning how to use it needs a face lift LOL. Every medium needs to expand and not stay the same because it becomes boring and also the work starts looking boring to the viewer. I shared with her some of the things I went through and how I solved it for myself and then I told her about my youtube channel. She pulls it up on her work computer and checks it out LOL. Now she is so excited and wants to keep in touch with me because of the expansion Im heading towards with polymer clay. We talked about moonies and she had to tell me she gets so many calls people asking her how to stop them. She tells them which my way lined up with hers and she said that it seems that people have read to many things that when someone does share a different way they can't make the change or to try it and explore. So this whole conversation that we had gave me the opportunity to take polymer clay to even another level with myself. This stuff just blows my mind when you are really on a path of what you really know what you want to do and it doesn't matter what anyone else says LOL.
Ok Im off my rampage of excitement here and Im going to go and put it right into my studio. How about all of you? Are you there yet or getting closer. Its okay everyone if you haven't yet you will. And when you do it will be the time and then you can truly and totally enjoy the expansion of creative thought it will take you on a ride that you will never want to come off.
I do love you all and I love that you come and visit with me. You all are my rays of sunshine. I truly mean this. I honestly could not write this stuff and not feel and how did that happen. It happen because I love myself first. I love you all can't ever say that enough in one day. Enjoy your day and do this... Have a good thought. If a thought comes it doesnt feel good you will only get another thought to match it. Now which way would you like to think and feel. I already made my choice. hugs

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Would you or do you use your home oven to cook polymer clay here's why I don't

Well you just never know where the day will take you. But no matter what it always takes me just to something good. Class for the children I love to see has been postponed because of flu that has hit there systems. So, Im back in my studio and just going with the flow of things. I thought it would be a good time to wipe down my oven and then a spark it me and said take a pic of this gross looking stuff that builds up on ovens. Spread good health to everyone. I guess as starting my day the kids gave me that message and I followed there bright souls.
It's true everyone this is what my oven looks like and it doesn't take it long. But I do bake in it a lot. Now remember I have 3 ovens and this picture is the oven I only cook polymer clay in. My other two are used for other things that I may incorporate with my already cooked polymer clay. I don't ever use my home oven that we cook food and eat. Take care of our bodies, I never smoked and so grateful for that. I will have a glass of wine once in awhile but not really a drinker. I love water always have. Well back to clean the rest of my oven and I will see what comes my way next LOL. hugs

My Day

Good morning and has everyone started with many good thoughts? 
Once a month I volunteer me and my supplies and I work with an art therapist for children. Today is my day for the month and I so truly love when this day of the month comes around.
I'm also waiting on a supply of art materials. I was unable to find some of them at my local craft store. So, online I went and ordered but not coming until the beginning of March. Wow back ordered. Don't wait until you run out and think your local craft store will have it even though you have bought it there. LOL My Thursday advise LOL.
But no panic because I really do know that it will get here when its time. There's no rush to life just relax. If I look back at all the times I fell into life stress it always worked out no matter what. Why did I do that to myself LOL..
I wanted to come here and say hello to all of you and sending out positive and uplifting words. I think we all get off course and we just need to stop and remember that we are all beautiful people inside and out. I hope many of you will take your clay out and spend sometime with it. This is for any of you that say your going to start but don't. If your clay is where you don't see it everyday you will have a thought here and there and goes no further. If you take your clay out and set it right in an area that you spend time. (like in front of tv) LOL or computer LOL... You just might get tired or curious to open up the clay and say hmmmmm lets see what this is. And there you go now you have taken a step.
I love you all because I love me. Have to pack up my supplies and get ready for the best day ever and live in the moment. hugs

My thoughts and what works for me with waiting for clay to cool or not

I will be making a video on each of your questions. This one in particular is asked a lot. In this video I really want to share its not so much about teaching as it is sharing what works for me. In all of my videos and my art channel is based on sharing. Its never about right or wrong. We are all different and art needs to be fun and not to focus on all the dos and don't it will make your head spin

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday discussion will be how to prevent moonies or white marks in cooked polymer clay

Moonies, white marks on cooked clay. Every artist me included despise them when sculpting a doll. Sometimes they can be repairable or not, depends on how many you have. Unless you want them and think they have given a cool look. Then this wouldn't be for you. Next Tuesday I will be answering your questions on moonies and will be sharing with you how I have learned to prevent having them. I have not had a moonie or white marks in years and I mean years. I wanted to get these pictures up sooner while the sun was still bright but I didn't make it. No moonies in this piece of cooked clay. It took me a long time to find what was going on and why. The example in picture is straight translucent clay no white has been added.  I will be sharing with all of you next tuesday my solution. Hope to see many of you there.
Have a wonderful evening everyone. Hugs

Monday, February 15, 2016

Every Tuesday on Youtube Answer a question of yours. Have one feel free to ask

Its official every Tuesday I will be answering a question of yours. I'm just so amazed of all the questions that have been coming in emails. There are a lot of repeats but I'm going to answer one and put it up on youtube every tues.. So keep thinking. We can all learn from this. Back to my bjd!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Polymer clay is meant to be fun and not to be directed what your doing is wrong

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and some of you have been playing around with your clay.
Im updated all of you here about the video in regards to questions. I have received a lot of questions through email.. What I decided to do is make a video on one question if there is a lot of information I have to share. If the answer to some questions are short then there will be more questions and answers on one video. I decided to break this up to make videos shorter because it can take any where from 5 to 8 hours to convert files.
Im in the process of converting the first question and I will have it up on youtube today. The question I choose first is one that I felt to address first because people that I have been interacting with have such confusion and fear they will do something wrong. Holding back on giving polymer clay a chance or they did at one time but got chewed out by the art community with things like you cannot do that with polymer clay. I thought that this place would be a great place to start with and time to get the confusion out of every ones picture.
The question Can you take cooked polymer clay out of your oven before its cooled?
My answer and thoughts will soon be up. Next question will be posted here on tuesday and a video will be uploaded also. Thank you everyone see all of you soon. hugs

Saturday, February 13, 2016

It is a good morning and what a great start

Good morning everyone. Yes I have made it here and I have two days to play. Although everyday is a play day but these next two days are my me time. I will be planning on getting out to my studio and I will clean up after all the class's that were held during the week. Then I will move on to the video that I promised many of answering some questions. 
I do want to mention this because some of you are asking about my ball jointed doll. I will be showing how I reinforce the joint areas and some of you are asking me about the top of her head. I would like to explain only my design or way of creating these bjd and the head cap if I use it to catch the cord I most diffidently would reinforce the cut out cap on top of her head. I would never just use polymer clay and put a wire loop. I think there is so much of a constant pull. I have seen many dolls that were not reinforced and the constant pull weakened the loop wire. Some of you have really been asking me about liquid sculpty bond and bake. I do not ever use any kind of liquid sculpty to bond or to secure anything on my doll. If I use it then it would be for some kind of decorative use. Only in my experiences I found that when liquid sculpy is applied to cooked or even raw clay they have the same properties and if I need something to really be strong and hold it would have to be something other then polymer. As I always say my way is not the only way its the way it works for me and. I have experimented with certain ways of using things with polymer clay things and ways have proofed to me not a way to go. What ever way your doing and have no problems do not change your way to meet mine. Keep going like you are. But if you question something then I always say theres something your seeing with your own experience with polymer clay that you might not be to happy or you might think things could be better.
Here Im answering some of your questions and won't be in the video. I don't want to make a long video but when I give out information I like to give all of you my whole truth and in detail.
Some of you have asked me about a heat gun I will add that to the video. Yes, I will say this Im totally against it only for my reasons. Hope to see many of you there and I better head out to my studio. Everyone have a wonderful weekend, have fun, take a nap if you feel like it, watch a good movie, read a good book, or you could sculpt. As I always say now I love you all because I love me. hugs

Friday, February 12, 2016

Update still moving along with my ball jointed doll

I wanted to share what I have been doing with my ball jointed doll. I haven't been able to spend enough hours with it this week due to class's I give. 
I also would like to say this with my style of making bjds. I may not make them as others I honestly don't know. And I say this because I'm the type of person I love to figure things out for myself. I learn much faster when I think things out and then make a mistake. We all are different and we must do what works for each of us. When I was making porcelain dolls it was my whole starting point of learning and expanding onto many different things. So, I already had a little knowledge with ball jointed, but I never had enough experience. I feel even today experience has no end in any kind of medium we choose to use. For many years I have been wanting to create for myself polymer clay to look and feel like porcelain. By incorporating the wax I can now have a much thinner layer of clay that now gives me a translucent look.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I like to reinforce all the joints for my ball jointed dolls

Little time to spend on my ball jointed doll. Here Im working on the neck and motion as to how much I want. Always around the joints and the neck I will use a thin layer inside of the polymer clay to reinforce them. Im going to get some lunch and class will begin. See all of you soon

Monday, February 8, 2016

Do you have a question?

Hi everyone I'm peeking in for a bit here today. I have been for some time now getting request to make a video and talk about the basics. I'm finding since I have started my youtube art channel more beginners are coming to my channel. I think they should be addressed just as the advanced. We must be patient and loving to everyone no matter where one is at. I find for myself that is when I teach a class and Im going back to the basics I learn something myself. So this week Im going to set some time aside and address some repeated questions.
Here's some that will be on list
1. Moonies yes this is huge and I do believe I have some great answers to these moonies LOL..
2. What clay is really good
3. Burned clay can you save it and how
4. Breakage can you repair them and how
5. Do you ever mix clays for color and what are your recipes
6. How long have you been using wax with polymer clay and did you learn it from some where and if so would you share that information?
7. Im on a tight budget and polymer clay looks like something I would like to have in my life. Could you tell me what clay I could use that I could make something. I hear a lot of bad things with cheap clay.
Now I'm going to leave open for 3 questions if anyone needs to add one to the list. Please feel free to leave it in the comments below. I thought I would do a total of 10.
Don't be afraid to ask if more then 3 we shall work it out. If not I will have a video up based on the questions above this week.
Break is over I'm back to class. Everyone having a great day?
Better say yes its positive thinking LOL... hugs

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Spreading love

Good morning everyone Im pleased to be here and ready to see what comes my way today.Full of excitement and joy already. Yesterday it rained all day and it was just so beautiful. I love hearing the rain fall on the house and the trees moving to the wind. When I saw Yanni perform he said something that I could relate to but I do it differently. Yanni didn't really talk much he played more music. B ut he said this. He was in a hotel and just sitting listening to all the sounds. And there was a sound it was a bird the night and gale. He was so intrigued by the sound and he approached where the sound was coming from. As he noticed and saw the bird he listened more intensely and he heard more sounds. He heard a whole orchestra from this bird. He wanted so badly to hire the bird to play, he said I would even pay him or her well LOL. So, he knew it wasn't for him to hire this bird it was the bird giving him sounds. As he listened and just let all thoughts rest while he got himself in alignment with pure source he heard a whole new song and was orchestrated in a way he could manifest it to all of us to hear something that started from a night and gale bird. He expressed so much love as he shared because he could still feel the connection of when it all started within himself. His expression of something so simple hit home with me. Its what I do in my life with everything. Life speaks and if we listen it will bring you to a level with yourself that is pure love. Feeling love with you. Art is the same way as hearing sounds. I see things in just a tree, stone even the clouds. As I rest my thoughts and allow life in the moment fill me. Now my story begins and my thoughts are directly connected to source. Another thought comes, I hear more music and then my creation starts in those thoughts. I feel the excitement and joy and it builds to a high level I want to run free in an open field. I then write it all down and my next piece of art is ready for me to create and to share a piece of that was sent to me through life. Life is simple and we should never wake up to unhappiness. Everything always works out in love.
I love all of you because I love me. Hugs

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Getting the arm started and on upper torso

I wanted to share with all of you tonight what I have done today.  I especially wanted you to see what the arm looks like when I start applying the polymer clay.  Now sometimes if my wax is to much I will shave it down.  You also can shave it down by carving the shape in the wax too.
Well I'm going to end this day with all the wonderful treasures of life that has been given to me today.  See all of you soon!  Night and hugs

Good morning Im so pleased to see everyone!

No late start for me today. Wow what a performance Yanni was last night. Everything went so beautiful and flowed perfect. Our event last night my sister and I took my mom to see Yanni for an early birthday. She will be 92 the 11th this month. She enjoyed it so much I thought she was going to leave planet earth and return home and my sister and I were going with her too LOL.
Im just so speechless but filled with emotions flowing through my body. Im going to just bask in these emotions and milk them as long as I can.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend and I hope many of you are creating a master piece. Yes a master piece of fun, peace, love, of who we all are.If some of you are having a difficult time getting started I would say this to you today. We are all creators and we must create or we become very unhappy in life. It's very important that we take care of who we are and pay attention to our thoughts and how the thoughts are making us feel. We can have a thought that can take us to a level of so much happiness and in a instant we can give ourselves a thought that can bring us right down. Its our choice do we stay up or do we come down. Always be gentle with self and say kind loving words. And from those words you will be given a feeling of life that fills you with happiness. Life truly is a precious stone. Polish the stone everyday and you will see yourself in the stone glowing back the refection of your loving self.
I love everyone here because I love me!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Setting the eyes lots of pictures

Are you ready ok here we go! You will see by learning how to make a hollow head.  You won't be limited to what you can do or use.  No more concerns with the heat from your oven.  At this stage my doll head will never go in oven when doing a ball jointed doll. If not a ball jointed I still would make a hollow head. But the whole doll will be completely cooked then I would do the eyes.