Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chelsea Mastin has a great tutorial for wings for the ones that don't know this method

Oh wow it feels like forever not being here.  As many of you know my moms health has been going down hill and I have been very busy with her needs. But anyways life is always good and changes are always going on in each and ever ones life's . I have something I would love to share with many of you.  There is a wonderful person I have come to know and her name is Chelsea Mastin a youtube creator.  She has made a video How to Make Transparent Wings.  If your new to this method your going to just love it.  If you haven't ever made wings this method will also move you into so many ideas and so much fun.  I hope you enjoy it and subscribe to her channel.  Remember subscribing doesn't mean its going to cost you.  Its free to subscribe.  All of it is free.  When you subscribe or give the person a like or comment your giving back motivation and encouragement to make more videos.  I don't know about all of you but I love watching what people think to create and when they share that means I now have an idea and move on to even expanding from there idea.  Art is all about show and tell.  Sharing is so rewarding.  So next time your watching a tutorial of someone share your gratitude by giving them a comment, subscribe, or like.  Lets keep these free tutorials going.  hugs