Sunday, October 25, 2015

Color Wax sticks to paint polymer clay dolls or anything

Sharing this tip and I totally love using wax. For many of you asking how long I have been doing the wax its been about 14years that is with polymer clay. Been using wax over 30years on other mediums.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Candle wax for my core worked well with my ball jointed doll

Hey everyone wanted to share something with all of you. One of my friends on youtube suggested that I try using the candle wax in a block. She uses it for her polymer clay dolls as well and she said its easy to carve but hard to slice. A lot cheaper then doll wax. I bought some yesterday and love it. I also used my wood burning tool to help with the slicing. Worked great so I posted some pictures as Im making a video.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Answers to questions about eyelashes, bjd, wax, tools, glass bead eyes

Hey everyone I have been getting a lot of emails with questions since I have started my ball jointed doll on my youtube channel.  So I have make a video covering some of your questions about tools, wax, eyelashes. Eyelashes I share what to look for and what to be aware of.  Don't cut those tips of eyelashes watch my tutorial and I will show you a much better way.  Please subscribe to my channel its free.  Also Im sharing for the first time with all of you something I have on my table to help cool down my polymer clay.  Been doing this for years.  Watch it and you will see.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

How I make eyelashes for my ball jointed doll

Tutorial is up showing a method I use to make eyelashes with India Inks for my ball jointed doll. Next tutorial I will talk about pre made eyelashes. Im trying to keep the tutorials some what short. I will also be getting into the body. Thank you for viewing and please leave all comments and likes on my youtube channel so that I can make more video's for all that are interested.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ball Jointed Doll painting the details tutorial coming

Update for all that are following me with my ball jointed doll. Will have my next tutorial on my art channel soon. My Technic how I paint the face details and what I use. Following after painting the details I will be working on showing how I make the torso. Will post here when I have them up. Hope to see many of you there and if you haven't made a ball jointed maybe after going through each step you will give it a try. Im hooked and have been for some time now. Every one I make I learn more and more. They are so much fun and will expand your art tremendously.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Polymer Clay and wax strongly used for ball jointed dolls

Another tutorial is up on youtube. This tutorial showing wax with polymer clay I strongly use this technic for ball jointed dolls. I also feel that wax restores your polymer clay and creates a porcelain look and feel to the polymer clay. Next tutorial I will move on to showing how and what I use for eyeliner and brows and I will be moving on towards the bjd body. Hope you enjoy and please leave all comments and likes on my youtube channel. By you doing this it supports me and I can keep creating more videos

Click below to view my tutorial on youtube.  It's free and nothing to buy or direct you to any site other then my art channel.  Many more video's available.