Friday, March 18, 2016

A box of Chocolates or the open sea and waves

Good morning everyone and yes everyday should be as though it were are last. Never take things for granted just enjoy what you have or even given in the day or night. I always like that saying life is like a box of chocolates. It's just so simple and that is how life should feel even though we all go through things in life. Somethings in life we can't just turn our backs and say Im not suppose to feel this so Im just going to ignore it. What ever the experience is we just need to embrace it. Hmmmm embrace. Know life always works out no matter what. So next don't focus on the pain of the experience. Easier said then done LOL well it takes practice and it's like the sea as the waves come to shore. When you feel your out in the open sea and the pain of it, ride the wave because you will make it to shore. We will stay out in the sea if we stay with the thoughts of what were going through. As the wave has a hold it wants to go in the direction of the shore but sometimes we allow the wave to take us and then we go so deep into the open sea of dis pare and pain and the wave still holds to us but we just don't go with it. The wave never leaves us there is always another wave. A box of chocolates are like the sea and waves. As Im going through something and a box of chocolates are handed to me. I can feel a little excitement and maybe a little smile will appear on my face. I take the box and hold it with love. As I open it my thoughts change and I wonder which choc to take. And then another thought comes and says but you might pick the one you will not like. If I choose that thought I would put the cover back on and say to myself I don't feel I want any because I just feel awful. Now I have missed and opportunity of just going through the experience with different thoughts to take away from the main thought that is painful. Even if I took a candy and I wanted to spit it out or do I take it and experience the whole rotten taste. No its easier for me to spit it out and then go for another one hoping that one will get rid of this rotten taste in my mouth LOL. Well back with just choice and what will that be I ask myself. Which one would feel better as life needs to unfold for me so I may get on with something wonderful.
I give each one of you that reads what I write a box of choc. And if you don't like choc I then give you whatever it is that you like. Now its your choice of whatever you may go through in a day or night. But no matter what just remember its all about embracing with change of thoughts.
I love you all and yesterday and today I have my box of chocolates and I will be practicing a lot of candies. My mom is now 92 and my husband and I have been with her for almost 15years. She has gone in the hospital and we are just seeing what life needs to do. Love yourself no matter what because really life is so precious. hugs


  1. sending you much love !!! yes we must take and enjoy every day we have my thing each day is to smile as much as I can and hope someone receives it and sends one back !!!

  2. I am blown away by your generosity in sharing all you've spent so many years learning. You restore my faith in the human race. Thank you for being so generous. I love all your tutorials and have learned so much--a big hug.

