Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's almost a butterfly wing with feel, texture,looks has been my goal

What a beautiful day and it keeps getting better and better.  I hope everyone is feeling the fullness of life.  I didn't get a chance to post a picture of another wing I had been testing out.  If you have joined my Facebook fan page I did post it there.  I try to keep this blog full of information too but sometimes I just have to much to do.  The reason we are starting to see different ways of making wings is because I have a commission piece to do and my client wants me to come up with wings that really look and feel like butterfly wings.  Yep, back to the same drawing board of mine for some years LOL.  But I truly am happy with what Im sharing with all of you here.  I have a few stumbling blocks with it but I think I can figure it out.  By using real and dry flowers as you can see in this picture you have such wonderful veining and if you could just feel it.  It totally feels just like a butterfly wing.  Im just having a little trouble finding a sealer that just wont leave any gloss and no plastic texture.  If any of you use a sealer and it would be a matt could you share what it is.  Im always use Liquitex Matte but its giving me a little shine.  Anyone with something that you might think will work?  I would love to hear.

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